Field of Awareness | breath work + gentle movement

Soma Yoga | Trauma Informed Yoga


With a focus on gentle movement we end each class with a different form of meditation that takes students from gross to subtle.


Session 1: Kara Nyasa

Neck, shoulders, spine, kara nyasa meditation

Contemplation: Where does my mind go when my body becomes still?

Session 2: Breath Meditation

Contemplation: Sutra of Patanjali 3.9

“The mind is capable of having two states based on two distinct tendencies. These are distraction and attention. At any one moment, however, only one state prevails, and this state influences the individual’s behavior, attitudes, and expressions.”

Translation by T.K.V. Desikachar in The Heart of Yoga

Session 3: Visual Meditation

Gentle Movement: Tibetan sun salutations, quads, visual mediation.

Affirmation: I am not this next thought. I am the field of awareness this next thought passes through.

Session 4: Catch + Release

Side body + hips, focused meditation on breath.

Contemplation: Sutra of Patanjali 3.10

“By constant and uninterrupted practice the mind can remain in a state of attention for a long time.”

Translation by T.K.V. Desikachar in The Heart of Yoga


Soothe Your Shoulders | mindful movement


Deserving | gentle movement