Seeking Safety | ventral vagus nerve stimulation

Trauma Informed Yoga


Your Ventral Vagus nerve is the piece of your nervous system that allows you to feel safe, at rest, and connected with others.

This amazing nerve is found in the "rest and digest" branch of your nervous system, while "fight, flight, freeze" is found in another branch. Trauma can cause our nervous system to become stuck. This might look like being stuck in overdrive (anxiety and panic), or in shut down (depression and disassociation). By giving your body cues of safety, you can support your nervous system in beginning to regulate and ultimately become "unstuck."


Session 1: Creating Space

Neck, shoulders, chest + spine.

Affirmation: It is safe to be in my body. // I am safe.

Session 2: Side Stretches + Swooning Breath

Swooning breath, shoulders, side stretches, + twists.

Affirmation: I am home in my body. // My body is home.

Session 3: Acupressure + Cross Patterning

Alternate nostril breathing, neck, hips + glutes

Affirmation: I am whole, even as a I heal.

Poem for contemplation:

“I dive into the well of my body

and end up in another world

everything I need

already exists in me

there’s no need

to look anywhere else.”

Home by Rupi Kuar

Session 4: Thoracic Spine + Internal Hip Rotation

Humming breath, guided meditation, upper back + chest.

Affirmation: I love my body. // I am learning to love my body.


Less is More | fluid restorative