Short + Sweet Sessions

Soma Yoga | Trauma Informed Yoga

A collection of short + sweet yoga and breath work classes for when you only have 15 or 30 minutes.


Heart Space | Releasing Stored Trauma

33min practice

In this class we're releasing stored trauma from the heart space. You're invited to explore shapes that open the front and back of the heart while noticing sensations and emotions that might come up. This practice is all about feeling our emotions, and letting them be heard rather than fixed or avoided.

Trauma Informed Yin Yoga for Hips

16min practice

In this session you are invited to tune into, or create, a sense of safety in your body. We explore grounding shapes that also tend to the low back and hips in a way that soothes the nervous system.

Nyasa - a Practice for Harnessing the Mind

10min practice

In this practice you're welcome to explore the awareness of your breath paired with a centering practice called Nyasa.

Reconnect with the Self | Pancha Maya Kosha Guided Meditation

13min practice

In this session we explore the 5 layers of the self as described by the Pancha Maya Kosha model in Yogic philosophy. This is a very helpful model that gives us an opportunity to tune into our bodies and reconnect.

Finding Center | Yoga for Low Back Relief

31min practice

This class focuses on lengthening the hamstrings and hip flexors to relieve tension in the low back, as well as open up the chest and shoulders.

Candlelight Trauma Informed Yin Yoga

36min practice

This class focuses on the heart and hamstrings while slowing down and connecting with your breath as we settle in for longer holds.

Moon Piercing Breath | Chandra Bedhana

Trauma Informed Breath work for Anxiety | 10min practice

Chandra Bedhana is a pranayama (breath work) practice that is very calming and soothing to the nervous system.

Trauma Informed Restorative Yoga

33min practice

This class focuses on doing less while receiving more. Sink into support and give yourself permission to rest.


What Is Trauma Informed Yoga?


Rest and Renew | gentle movement